Countries we’re supporting
for the Visa

about the company

Baba Farid
Educational Consultancy

Baba Farid Educational Consultancy is one of the most reputed educational company dealing with overseas education programs & consultancy regarding countries like CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND. It has been almost 11 years of popularity in the field of providing Immigration Services.
Trusted Consultant
Your trusted consultant for informed decisions and strategic success.
100% Success Rate
Unlock unparalleled success with our proven expertise.
Lakhwinder Singh Brar
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Baba Farid Educational Consultancy
Baba Farid Educational Consultancy
Baba Farid Educational Consultancy
Visa Process
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We counselling students
to get study visa

Our Success Stories

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Why choose Baba Farid Educational Consultancy

We at Baba Farid Educational Consultancy Education being the top consultancy services in Sri Muktsar Sahib, offer all quality immigration services to our clients.

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Trusted Certifications
The Growing No. of Institutes in use today and the growing number of visa approved issues, Our organization having certificate trust & Provide trustworthy Services and prevent Students from frauds.
Video Counseling
Our licensed professionals provide personalized support, addressing your concerns and guiding you through the complexities of the immigration process. Experience the convenience of remote consultations, ensuring flexibility and privacy.
Expert Counselors
Our seasoned professionals offer tailored guidance, addressing your visa-related queries with precision. Experience the convenience of remote consultations with licensed experts, ensuring a smooth and informed visa application process. Trust us for reliable support on your journey.